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Assistance and contact

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Do you have any questions about our services and products? Or do you need help?

Immediate service
0800 426723539

Monday - Wednesday

8:00 - 17:00


8:00 - 17:00


8:00 - 17:00

Sonn- und Feiertage sind ausgenommen

Or perhaps not quite so direct?

Sundays and public holidays are excluded

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International Women in Engineering Day!


International Women in Engineering Day!

A global recognition of the remarkable contributions of women in the field of engineering.

  • News

This year’s motto, #EnhancedByEngineering highlights the central role that women play in creating a better future.

Around the world, at HANSA-FLEX, we celebrate the outstanding contributions of our female employees, who go above and beyond every day to ensure customer satisfaction and the quality of our products.

Thank you to all the women on our team who help shape and improve the future!


Niederösterreich INWED 2024 HANSA-FLEX Women Team
Oberösterreich INWED 2024 Team HANSA-FLEX
Steiermark INWED 2024 HANSA-FLEX Women Team
Kärnten INWED 2024 HANSA-FLEX Team Women
Tirol HANSA-FLEX Women Team INWED 2024

Learn more

  • Mission statement and values

    The HANSA‑FLEX Mission Statement forms the orientation framework for the daily actions of all employees worldwide. The underlying values and principles were developed in joint workshops by employees, managers and the owner families. Together with our HANSA‑FLEX Code of Conduct, we have a stable framework of values forming the basis of our corporate culture.
    Find out more
  • Zylinder Hydraulik HF Reparatur Schrottpresse

    Hydraulic Cylinder Repair on a Scrap Shear

    HANSA-FLEX – your reliable partner for cylinder repairs, anytime and anywhere!
    Find out more
  • Gebäude Modern Neubau Werkstatt Schulungszentrum HF

    New Branch Opened in Klagenfurt

    We are excited to announce the opening of our new branch in Klagenfurt!
    Find out more